Bout BA2

Face Like Mine - a bit of therapy for walking around the London streets - just a brutha with a slice// it's all suicide 
So EZ - my 'go-to' song for hard times - don't talk, I just wanna hear a couple chants// I got a lot of money, yeah you're gonna love me
Live On - something I needed to do to get clear on my life, it acts as a reminder - Consumers wanna dream and I ain't gonna sleep// you need to find a next scheme for getting that wet dream
Godmade - one that was written to be unique but consequently removed all motivation to make it masterful - variety is the spice of life// mans living bitches lives without the issues fuckin women fight
Let me - my perennial anchor
Prison - an ultra vent in the name of Death Grips as Pd Sweet - am i alone here// thinking positive about cognitive division 
Holdme Back - another motivational work more for anti-rejection- take 5 ima owe// this shit matters to me more than that man can believe
Wasn't Gonna Work - written to deal with an infuriating but much appreciated relationship - just pictures on my vision screen// all this friction, I know we're gonna hurt each other bad

There's an obscure reason why successful artists don't typically produce songs that are negative and personal.

It's very hard to put lots of effort into the production of something so emotionally affecting. The songs are results of emotional damage. 

Because of this, so much heart and attention goes into the writing that the production is uncomfortable. 

With these types of songs, an artist has little to no good feelings when in the recording and composition stages. 

The final product, without exterior intervention, gets rushed. In the name of sanity. 

If I would have really tried with the production on Prison and God Made, they would not have been finished - because I would have gone truly crazy and got sectioned. I guess I'm already there...

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