PD Learned From BHD

What I learned from making BHD 2014. 

Many of the songs on BHD would have been developed further. to be honest, all of them could be improved as with any art at any stage of development. I have learned the value of mastering, a difficult art, a facet that improves all the others. To bring the best out of a song, one must ensure that it meets the acoustic standards of the industry leaders.

In terms of bars, I am more eager to exercise elaborate experiments with lyrical techniques ala Bakab and develop my trademark style, heard in TryItDen, Cooler Than A Cxxx, Freakshow and WTHS among others.

I now intend to 'dumb it down' somewhat, not completely but with more exposition of meanings, which will be a challenge as I am not typically an 'Ad-lib artist' and will have to find some other way of letting listeners know what's happening. I also am focusing more on my transitions from set to set.

Regarding singing vocals, doing BHD has made me understand my voice better, I have sung in many styles and I feel I now know what not to do. I like how I sound on U Kno U Got It, Everything U Do (albeit totally unmastered) and Ohi and intend to focus on those modes. 

Although I have previously been opposed to the use of electronic filters on vocals, I admire Jeremih's skilfully complementary techniques and have since taken inspiration from them.

I learned from watching people listen to songs from BHD that my groove and timing should be tightened so that the rhythm of a song can be closer to universal. Some people won't ride a beat in certain ways.

My next album (mixtape) will be finished by the end of 2016, unless someone brings me out of my regular vocational life and into the music biz, in which case, fresh produce will be out before the end of 2015.

I feel I shouldn't need to make all music be for dancing to but certainly make some stuff with that focus.

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